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  • islam
  • quran
64. When the Jews were faced with difficulty and drought, they said, ‘Allah’s Hand is restrained from giving goodness and gifts. He is holding back from us what He has’. Their hands were restrained from doing goodness and they were removed from Allah’s mercy because of this statement of theirs. But in fact Allah’s Hands are wide open in goodness and generosity. He spends as He wills. He gives and He withholds. No one can stop Him or force Him. That which has been revealed to you, O Messenger, only increases the Jews in disobedience and disbelief because of their envy. He placed enmity and hatred between the various groups of the Jews. Whenever they gather to conspire for war and made preparation for it, Allah broke their unity and took away their strength. They continuously strive to do that which causes corruption in the earth by their attempts to wipe out Islam and by their plots against it.