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  • islam
  • quran
101. These previous nations, of the peoples of Noah, Hūd, Sāliḥ, Lot and Shu’ayb- I relate their narrative to you O Messenger, concerning their rejection of the truth and their stubbornness, and the destruction that befell them, to serve as an example for those who reflect, and a warning for those who take advice. Messengers came to the people of these cities with clear signs of the truth of what they brought, but Allah did not guide them to the truth because of their rejection of it the first time, a just recompense for their rejection despite seeing the clear signs and proofs. In the same way that Allah closed the hearts of the peoples of these cities who rejected their prophets, Allah closes the hearts of those who reject Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), so that they are not guided to faith. In the same way that God sealed the hearts of the peoples of these towns which rejected their prophets, God seals the hearts of those who reject Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, so that they are not guided to faith.