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  • islam
  • quran
155. Moses chose seventy of the best men among his people to ask for forgiveness for what the foolish among them had done in worshipping the calf. Allah appointed a time and place for them, though when they reached there they became bold and asked Moses to let them see Allah with their eyes. So an earthquake seized them, and they were struck down and killed by the strength of it. So Moses begged his Lord, saying: 'O Lord, if You had willed to destroy them and myself before they had come to You, You could have done so. Would You destroy us because of what the foolish amongst us have done. What my people have done in worshipping the calf, was only a trial and test by which You led astray whom You willed, and guided whom you willed. You are our Protector, so forgive us our sins, and have mercy on us, for You are the best of those who forgive and overlook.'