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  • islam
  • quran
148. The idolaters will say, using Allah’s will and decree as proof for their associating partners with Him: If Allah had willed that neither we nor our ancestors associate any partners with Him we would not have done so; and if He had willed that we do not make anything unlawful for ourselves we would not have done so. Those before them also denied their messengers with similar worthless proofs saying: If Allah had willed that we do not prohibit them, we would not have done so. So they persisted in their denial until they tasted My punishment that I sent down on them. Say, O Messenger, to these idolaters: Do you have any evidence that indicates that Allah is pleased that you associate others with Him, and that you make lawful what He has prohibited, and make unlawful what He has allowed? Just because you did these actions does not mean that He is pleased with them. You are following nothing but speculation with respect to this and speculation holds no weight against the truth. You are only lying.