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  • islam
  • quran
152. He has prohibited you from becoming involved with the wealth of orphans – those who lose their father before maturity – until they became mature and are considered to be sensible, unless you do so in a manner that brings benefit and an increase in that wealth. He has also prohibited you from giving short measure or weight; rather, it is necessary that you are fair and just when taking or giving anything in a purchase and sale transaction. He does not burden a soul more than it can bear, and you will not be taken to task for any increase or decrease in measure that is unintentional. He has, likewise, prohibited you from saying that which is false when relating an incident or giving testimony, displaying unfair preference to a relative or friend. He has, too, prohibited you from breaking Allah’s pledge. If you make a pledge with Allah or in Allah’s name, then such pacts must be fulfilled. Allah has instructed you with the above in the hope that you would ponder over the outcomes of your actions.