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  • islam
  • quran
213. People were one community. All of them were in agreement and guided following the way of their father Adam, until the Satan misguided them. They were then split into believers and disbelievers. For this reason, God sent messengers bringing good news of the mercy of God for those who had faith in Him and followed Him and warning the disbelievers of the severe punishment of God. Together with the messengers, God also sent books containing the undoubtable truth so that they could judge between people with respect to their disagreements. It was only those who were given the Torah that differed with regards to the matter of Muhammad (s) and his message despite its being clear. They did this out of injustice and jealousy. God then enabled the believers to recognise guidance from misguidance by His permission and will. God guides whoever He wishes to a perfectly straight path which is the path of faith.