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  • islam
  • quran
217. The people ask you, O Prophet, about the law regarding fighting in the sacred months of Dhū Al-Qa‘dah, Dhū Al-Ḥijjah, Muḥarram and Rajab. Say to them: Fighting in these months is a serious offence in the sight of Allah and is detested, just as the idolaters’ preventing from the path of Allah is also disapproved. Blocking the believers’ access to the Sacred Mosque and removing the people of the Sacred Mosque from it is worse than fighting in a sacred month in the sight of Allah. Their idolatry is worse than killing. The idolaters will continue their oppression by fighting you until they turn you away from your path of truth towards their false path, if they are able to. If anyone turns back from the path of Allah and dies disbelieving in Allah, his good actions shall be reduced to nothing and in the Afterlife he will end up in the fire of Hell, where he will live eternally.