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  • islam
  • quran
233. Mothers who intend to complete the period of breastfeeding should nurse their children for two full years. The husband and father of a child is responsible for the maintenance and clothing of a divorced mother who breast feeds her child in accordance with the customs of society that do not go against the sacred law. No person is burdened beyond what he is able to do. No parent is allowed to use the child as a means to harm the other. The heir (who would inherit from the child if the child were to pass away leaving behind wealth) shall be responsible, if the father dies without leaving any wealth, for the same obligations as that of the father. If the parents decide to wean the child before two years finish, then there is no sin on them, if this is done after full consultation and agreement that it is in the child’s best interests. If you wish to hire wet-nurses for your children instead of their mothers, there is no sin in doing so provided you pay the agreed wages of such wet-nurses without any shortfall or delay. Be mindful of Allah by fulfilling His instructions and avoiding His prohibitions, and know that Allah sees everything you do and nothing is hidden from Him. He will reward you for any action you do.