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  • islam
  • quran
110. Remember when Allah addressed Jesus (peace be upon him) and told him to remember Allah’s favour to him when He created him without a father; to his mother, Mary (peace be upon her), when He chose her over all the women of her time; and upon him when He strengthened him with Gabriel (peace be upon him.). Allah told him that he used to speak to people as a baby, calling them to Allah; and that he used to speak to them in his adulthood, telling them what Allah had sent him with. Allah reminded him of the favour of being taught how to write; and that He taught him the Torah that He had revealed to Moses (peace be upon him) and the Gospel that He revealed to him. He was reminded of the favour of being taught the secrets of the sacred law and its benefits and wisdom. Allah reminded him of how he would make the shape of a bird from clay, blow into it and it used to become a living bird. He used to cure the person who was born blind, and he would treat the leper and heal his skin. He also used to bring the dead to life by praying to Allah to give them life. All of this happened with Allah’s permission. Another favour that Allah reminded him about was that Allah protected him from the Israelites when they intended to kill him after he brought to them clear miracles. The only thing they could do was to deny them; and they said, ‘Jesus has brought nothing but plain sorcery’.