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  • islam
  • quran
41. O Messenger, do not be made sad by those who rush to announce their disbelief of you and the revelation that you brought. These were the hypocrites who professed faith on the outside, but hid disbelief on the inside. They were also some Jews who eagerly listened to the lies of their leaders, who distort the truth having ignored you and have not come to you out of pride. They distort the words of Allah in the Torah and change it to suit their desires. They say to their followers, ‘If the law of Muhammad conforms to your desires, follow it; and if it does not conform, then be careful of it’. If Allah wills to misguide any person, you, O Messenger, will never find anyone who will be able to save them from misguidance and guide them to the path of truth. Such hypocrites and Jews, who have these qualities, are the ones whose hearts Allah has not intended to purify from disbelief. In the world, they will receive humiliation and shame; and in the Afterlife, they will receive a great punishment: the fire of Hell.