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  • islam
  • quran
5. Today Allah has allowed you to eat those things that are wholesome, and the animals slaughtered by the Jews and Christians who are the People of the Scripture. He has also made lawful for them animals that you slaughter. He has permitted you to marry free, chaste women from the believers, as well as free, chaste women from the Jews and Christians who received scripture before you. This is if you give them their dowries and you are trying to stay away from committing an immoral action, such as adultery or fornication, by taking them as lovers. Yet whosoever disbelieves in Allah and His laws which He has given to his slaves, then his actions are void, because the condition for good actions to be accepted is true faith. On the Day of Judgement, such a person will be a loser due to entering the fire of Hell, where they will live eternally.