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  • islam
  • quran
"When we all go back to out roots starting with the first man Adem we will all find Islam, and why is THE BASIC MESSAGE OF ISLAM? The Basic Message of Islam is the Same Message of All the Previous Prophets: Worship God Alone and Avoid Worshipping Anything Besides Him, Whether It is a Person, Place or Thing, Directly or Indirectly. This Basic Principle of Pure Monotheism is Contained in the Opening Chapter of the Qur’an, Known as Soorat Al-faatihah, Verse 4: “you Alone We Worship and From You Alone We Do Seek Help.” in (4:37), God Almighty Also Said: “worship Allah and Do Not Associate Partners With Him.” Muhammad, the Last Prophet (Mercy and Peace of God Be Upon Him) is Reported to Have Said: “anyone Who Says: There is No God Worthy of Worship but Allah, and Dies Holding That Belief Will Be Granted Paradise."